Logo Supernova - Color Fest

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Registration for the Supernova contest is now closed.
Thank you for your interest, stay updated on upcoming events!

email for contest 2024

Do you want to stay updated on upcoming Color Fest activities? Leave your email 🙂

Do you have to register?

1 - Fill in the registration form

Complete the form. You will be asked to submit three tracks to the jury for selection. You can insert links (Spotify, Soundcloud or other players) or upload in .zip format

2 - Make Payment

The participation fee is €30.99. You can pay via Paypal.

You will receive confirmation. 

3 - Wait for the#039;preselection result

The finalists will be announced on 31 May!


To register for the contest, you need to fill in the registration form by clicking on one of the buttons on this page.

THREE BRANDS WILL BE REQUIRED TO BE SUBMITTED FOR EVALUATION, TO BE INSERTED via a link to an external player (Spotify, Bandcamp, Soundcloud, Mixcloud, or any other that allows the track to be accessed and listened to).

Please note: whether tracks will be shared via upload or if a non-public linkthe latter will never be disseminated but will only serve the jury for evaluation purposes.

You may choose to participate in only one of the two finals, at your discretion. You will be asked for this choice in the form.

After filling in, you will be redirected to Paypal to pay the entry fee. Once you have paid your contribution, you will be entered AND you will have access to the jury's evaluation. This will be responsible for evaluating the three proposed pieces.

The jurors will then select the finalists, who will be announced on 31 May.

The registration fee is € 30.99. For both solo projects and bands. 

The jury is in charge of listening to the three pieces brought to their attention during the entry. They can be entered via links in the form or upload field. The finalists for each of the two final dates will be selected and will be announced by 31 May. The finalists will be contacted by email, but also published on the Color Fest communication channels.

As already announced, the two finals will be held in Bologna and Rende, the days will be announced later, before the Contest ends. The live performances will be held in front of the jury in an open event dedicated to Supernova. The performances can be recorded and published later on the Color Fest channels.

The three winning projects will play on stage at Color Fest 10. One on 11 August, 12 August and 13 August 2023. It is planned refund costs of euro 100 + board + 3-day pass for each band member.

Projects that are selected for the finals will be asked for the Technical Data Sheet (based on this, it will be defined what to bring as personal tools and what will be provided by the organisation)

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