
🗓️ 13 - 14 - 15 August 2025, Calabria, Italy
Early Bird now available

How to get to Color Fest

This is how to get to the
Colour Fest

To reach the Color Fest at theAgritourism Costantino in Maida in Calabria, you can use different means of transport depending on your preferences and your starting location.

Here are some common options:

Colour Fest

You can book your BUS by sending an e-mail to bonfatalia@libero.it indicating:


the bus is scheduled to return at 2:00 a.m.

Colour Fest

You can book your shuttle by filling in the following form:

Shuttle - Bonfaitalia
(valid only for 14 and 16 August)
(valid only for 15 August)
Privacy policy

the bus departs from:

By Train

He arrived by train at Lamezia Terme Centrale station.
From there, you can take a taxi or book in advance the shuttle of 17:10 to reach the Agriturismo Costantino at Località Donnantonio, 88025 Maida CZ.

Open Agriturismo Costantino on >> Google Maps.

By Plane

If you are arriving from abroad or from a distant region, you can take a flight to Lamezia Terme International Airport. Once landed, you can take a taxi or go to the Lamezia Terme central station near the airport and take the Color Fest shuttle. Remember to book in advance the shuttle of 17:10 to reach the Agriturismo Costantino at Località Donnantonio, 88025 Maida CZ.
The airport is about 15 minutes away from Maida.

Open Agriturismo Costantino on >> Google Maps.


14 August 2024

15 August 2024

16 August 2024


>> clicking on "BEYOND THE FESTIVAL"you can find a list of things to do in Calabria.

A project of

What are APS clouds

With the contribution of

Calabria Region



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Color Fest
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